Are you also sick of destruction of nature?

Plant Trees That Help To Slow Down Climate Change And Create A Better World For Your Children And Next Generations

(Just a few clicks and we’ll plant a tree for you)

Very new solution to saving the world by planting trees with surprising side-effect that can make it work

sustainable squad - superheroes planting trees

From The Desk Of Philip Hradil
Prague, Czech Republic
Dry and sunny
July 20, 2023

Dear fighter for better future,

If you think you can’t stop climate change, then this message will change your life.

You'll quickly understand why…

My name is Philip Hradil, and I felt hopeless about climate change just a few months ago.

I was told I was nobody and that I should let powerful people do their job.

When I saw politicians, that fly with their private jets to climate conferences and promising things that they don’t even try to fulfill…

...I realized that we, regular people have to stop it.

So here I am, presenting you my best and only plan to save the world.

Here is…


(That engages millions of people)

Trees are amazing, we breathe their air, they purify water and stores our carbon that is causing climate change.

Yet, we keep cutting them down.

We already lost half the trees on our planet.

So, what so special about this 1 BILLION tree challenge?

I believe that only solution to climate change are THE PEOPLE.

Young people who know that we have so much to loose.

Parents and grandparents who isn’t careless about future of their children.

By planting trees with us, you mainly allow us to spread our message to millions of people, make them aware and excited to create better world.

And when there are millions of us, we can start making waves and really start changing things!


Planting a tree can be the easiest yet the most important thing that you do this week.

At the price of cup of coffee, you can do something with a real impact on the world we live in.

You’ll be part of something bigger – a squad of ‘superheroes’ that fight for our future.

certificate sustainable squad
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Multiply your good deed even more on social media with cool certificate

You’ll receive a cool certificate and poster on your social media – with your name on it – so you can inspire your friends to take action too.

Let’s start a chain reaction of positive actions.

sustainable squad certificates

Do an amazing thing today

Plant a tree from 1,8 € AND create a better world for our children

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Keep this checked to appear in our Hall of Fame after planting a tree, or uncheck to remain anonymous.

By providing us with your information you are consenting to the collection and use of your information in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
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Ebook & Audio – VALUE 37 €

"1 Eye-Opening Principle That Will Make You Feel Powerful About Climate Change (And Transform Your Life for the Better)"

You'll discover soon:

Our new solution to save the world

To plant 1 BILLIONS trees, we must reach wildly huge amount of people.

Make them aware of climate change and it’s consequences.

We have to make millions of people excited and passionate to fight for it!

We don’t need one miracle, we need influence of millions of people to start making waves, to say no to greedy corporations, to push on lying politicians to actually do something.

This is the true power that can save the world!

And there’s one thing that makes me even more confident that we will make it!

The Butterfly Effect.

It’s phenomen showing us that every action, even the smallest one, can have enormous impact in the future.

So I believe that if we spark passion in millions...

We have to utilize the power of internet and social media to accomplish this goal.

”People least responsible for global warming will suffer the most from its consequences”

That is the sad truth.

It’s not their waste; it’s not their emissions.

These countries have 10-20x smaller emissions per person than we have.

droughts in africa

Your country may still be a good place to live in.

Maybe you’ve experienced some extreme weather events, but there are places where climate change already dramatically affected the quality of life.

That’s why we need to help in these areas.

We’ll plant trees around the equator in countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Brazil, Mozambique, Honduras, and others.

When we protect nature in these places, it also helps stabilize the climate around the world.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in“

This beautiful quote from the TV series After Life exactly explains the mindset that we need to solve this problem.

A mindset of kind people that care about the environment and the well-being of future generations and their children.

We must preserve their chances to enjoy happy lives as we did.

We must preserve their hopes and dreams.

We have the last 8 years to change the course…

In 2016 there was one of the most decisive events in human history. Leaders of 195 countries met to sign up for Paris Agreement.

politicians on climate conference

A document where all these countries pledged to drastically limit emitting carbon emissions to keep Earth under 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer.

Now, after 7 years, the vast majority of countries are not fulfilling their promises, and the world’s emissions are getting higher and higher.

We are closer to the point of no return than scientists ever predicted.

Based on the most relevant predictions, July 22, 2029, is the day we reach this tipping point.

The risk of irreversible chain reaction is scarily close.

It will lead to permanent ice sheet loss and consequent sea level rise, and virtually all corals will die around 2 degrees increase.

This will lead to a dramatic decline in the quality of life of billions of people.

Let’s act now while we still have time.

As kids, we all secretly wished to be superheroes. Now you can HAVE TO become one

drawing of superheroes

I’m not gonna lie to you.

This is an extremely difficult mission in front of us.

Probably the biggest and hardest challenge in human history.

But definitely the most important one.

Some people would say it’s impossible to stop it…

But we won’t give up!

“Things that we do or do not do right now will affect the entire lives of your children and grandchildren.”

And this is exactly what defines superheroes.

Doing difficult things for the right cause!

In a world where others don’t believe.

Where they’re called crazy…

I challenge you to become a superhero.

Spread this message between your friends and family.

And plant a few trees in places where it’s needed the most.

“My one tree doesn’t make a difference!”


But it’s not one tree. And you’re not the one person. Not anymore.

We are Sustainable Squad…

Passionate ‘superheroes’ with a shared mission.

If enough people come together, we will start making waves!

You are part of the chain!

There is a 100% guarantee that I can give you…

And it’s that if you don’t do anything, things won’t get any better.

The planet doesn’t need saving; we do…

The planet has survived many things worse than what we are doing.

We are killing ourselves, not the planet.

We are killing the hopes and dreams of our children.

We are killing their chances to see amazing animals and the real beauty of nature.

We are killing their chances to have happy lives as we did.

We can’t allow this to happen.

It doesn’t require a lot to go by example

Once again, in case you missed it…

Making a better world doesn’t require extreme power.

It doesn’t require sacrificing your whole life for it.

It doesn’t require brilliant Einstein’s mind…

What does it require?


Enough to start with yourself.

Enough to take action.

Enough to understand that together we’re stronger.

If you do just that — nothing more, nothing less — you will start creating a better future together with us.

… For our children and the next generations.

Thank you for taking the time to read this page.

You already did a good thing for our future by reading and absorbing this message.

philip hradil sustainable squad

Philip Hradil

philip hradil signature


Yes, you made it to the P.S. section!

And in case you are one of those people who just skip to the end, here is the most important thing.

We have last 8 years to stop climate before triggering an irreversible chain reaction.

Planting a tree helps a lot to slow it down, and by planting a tree, you chiefly allow us to make people aware of this problem.

Plant trees and also help us to spread this idea.

It’s really that simple.


Or don’t make a difference. Enjoy what's left of the petroleum party; drive cool V8 cars, buy new clothes every week that you’ll barely wear, and brag about everything on social media.

This allows business as usual for somewhere between 10-20 years more.

Sadly, this is what most people do.

But you made it to this P.S. section, so I believe that you are not one of them.

Take your first baby step in change by planting your first tree.


An awful image in my mind haunts me, far beyond any fear I've known before.

In a few decades, when my kids are adults, they will confront me, “Father, weren't you aware this was on the horizon, did no one warn you?”

– “No, the warnings were all around us.”

“Then, why didn't you act?”

What could I possibly say in response?

The thought of facing them, knowing I hadn't exerted every effort to prevent it, is something I cannot bear.

So here I am, putting together a superhero squad and executing my best and only plan to stop climate change.

Do you know what superheroes do?

They save the world!

Our goal is no less.

Not because we would be so extremely self-confident.

Because we have to.

The intergovernmental panel on climate change of United Nations warned that we have the last 12 years until the time, when we won’t be able to stop climate change.

It was 4 years ago.

There are 8 years left.

No matter what we do after this point, it won’t matter, because we will trigger the irreversible chain reaction.

Did you know it?


Most people are not aware of this, even though this is the biggest problem that humanity has faced in thousands of years.

So what’s our plan?


And I know exactly what’s on your mind now.

”But Filip… 1 billion trees are insanely a lot and even if you succeed, it won’t stop the climate change.”

And you’re right.

This goal is terribly huge and ambitious.

It gives me goosebumps every time I think about it.

But this goal is pushing us forward, forces us to work late nights or when we are so tired.

Because we have to.

Okay, then there’s another objection.

Which is even more important.

Not questionable.

Even if we plant 1 BILLION trees, it won’t stop the climate change.

So what’s the point?

You know, there is only 1 thing that can stop climate change.

Would you guess what it is?

I heard “fossil fuels?”

Sort of.

But I believe that the only thing, that can stop climate change—Are people.


And, I believe that most people are good.

They do care what will happen to this world.

They do care about the future where their children will live.

They are not reckless.

But, they don’t realize how serious it is.

Everyone is so careful when speaking about climate change and the many consequences.

The news is exaggerating everything but when it comes to climate change, they do the opposite.

They don’t want to scare you to much.

And, it keeps people in this vanilla imagination that the world will be alright.

”Let’s wait until the next climate conference, politicians will come with some solution.” 

I know it’s unpopular.

But I am scared like hell.

We all should be.

So what’s the deal about the 1 BILLION tree challenge?

It’s a lie.

Our true goal is different.

And, here it becomes interesting.

Listen—We are not a charity organization; we do not take money from the government nor from grants or even from corporations.

For every tree we plant, we have to reach many regular people to show them our message and make them engaged and excited.

To make them want to be part of it.

And, there’s true strength to it.

The real goal of the 1 BILLION tree challenge is to plant a huge amount of trees so we have to reach billions of people.

We have to spread our powerful message and create awareness.

We have to excite and engage millions of people.

And, that’s where the change is happening.

When there are millions of us, dozens or hundreds of millions, we can start making waves.

We can push on politicians and corporations to limit emissions to do real changes.

They won’t be able to lie to us and captivate us with fairy tales.

Only together we have that power.

Now, imagine that billion of people see our message.

It will resonate with dozens of millions of them.

It will make them excited and passionate.

And, maybe one of them will be a young brilliant inventor and it will inspire them to work on a carbon sucking machine that will save us all.

Or, one of them will be a talented speaker and it will inspire them to spread this message better than I do—To more people than me.

Or, maybe, just maybe, one of them will be a politician who will be determined and strong enough to change something from above.

By planting a tree, you chiefly allow us to spread this message and engage new people.

Thanks to every single tree planted, we can inspire the next 10 people through advertising on social media.

And, maybe your tree will be the one, that will allow us to show this message to that new brilliant Thomas Edison, who will save the world with his invention.


So, click bellow a button and plant a tree that will create a beautiful nature, better world and mainly, it will allow us to engage millions of people.

Some time ago, I was lucky to travel to a few countries around the world.

Until that time, I heard about climate change but thought it was not of an urgency—Without enough emphasis.

I felt like it was of some distant questionable thing, that shouldn’t be my concern.

I was living my life so why should I bother with it?

“If is really important, powerful people will solve it.”

When I was in Asia, I hiked to the Tiger Cave Temple, a beautiful hill with a golden Buddha on top

It’s in Thailand.

I looked around and everything was lush green as the view seemed perfect at first sight.

But then I noticed that forests were only around the rocks.

Everywhere else, I saw only palm oil monocultures and rubber tree monocultures.

They were stretching miles away.

For the first time in my life, I understood what the deforestation looks like.

Just witnessing this scene on my own was life changing.

After a while, we had natural disasters in my country, Czech Republic, and millions of trees dried out. We had to cut them down.

A little later, there was a big wildfire in one of our beautiful national parks where I played as a little kid.

This wildfire was unstoppable; lasting almost a month.

To be honest, I was so ignorant that it took me so long to start caring.

But then I finally began to study it and started googling everything.

I am usually not very emotional, but this made me break into tears.

“This can’t be true!”

“Why don’t people talk about it?”

I tried to get into my daily routine but I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

I questioned myself, “I do my daily stuff, enjoy life, buy things, do business and this is happening meanwhile?”

I couldn’t feel good about doing anything when I know that it’s a real thing.

97% of all scientists say the same.

So yes, I am alarmist.

And there's a reason for it.

I believe that people are mostly good, and if they knew what I know, they would act differently.

I think that they just don't realize how serious it is.

And, that’s why I started Sustainable Squad.

To get my message to millions and make them fight for our future.

Join Sustainable Squad today.

Plant some trees and help me spread this message to save the world.

Be an alarmist.

It’s necessary.

Thank you!

P.S. I will provide links to some scientifically factual articles below to discover what I am talking about.

We guarantee that trees will be planted in a radius of 3 kilometers from your home.

No, they won’t.

I am kidding. 😀

Even if it would be possible, it wouldn’t be actually the best for nature at all.

Most of the developed countries have favorable reforestation laws that ensure that harvested land will be replanted.

Sure, it’s still a huge business which ruins nature.

But, there are countries that suffer from deforestation more than you could possibly imagine.

That’s why we plant in places, where they are needed the most— in the rainforests near equator.

Such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Brazil, Madagascar, Senegal; depending on projects of the organizations that we work with.

Our very first partner is Trees for the Future. We absolutely love the way they work and how impactful their work is. Not just for the environment, but also it helps to fight poverty.

We plant diverse and native trees that really belong to these places; not palm oil plantations!

I talked to my friend recently, who is quite selfish. He asked me, “Why should I plant trees on other parts of the world?”

And I immediately got an idea that has not come to my mind before.

“Do you think that people in these countries wonder why they are suffering from our greed, from our emissions?”

The people in these countries are actually the least responsible for climate change, living their simple lives with connection to nature, but they really do suffer the most from it.

From droughts, lack of clean water, pollution, poor harvest and sea level rise.

Do you know of the TV series, After Life?

There is a beautiful quote in this TV series.

“A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in.”

I ask you to do the same.

Plant trees in countries where they are needed the most.

This action helps not only nature but also helps local communities.

These rainforests are called, “The Lungs of the Earth”, and they store a lot of the world’s emissions.

I can promise you, the whole world’s climate will benefit from planting trees there.

Join Sustainable Squad today and plant trees in places where they’re needed the most!

“Why it’s so cheap?”

“Why it’s so pricey?”

Actually, we get both questions. 😁

On the internet, you can find cheaper trees and much more expensive trees.

By planting cheaper trees, you often cover just a part of the total cost and the rest is paid from government money.

And you know, superheroes don’t take any grants from the government.

If somebody wants to join us, they can.

But we don’t take money involuntarily from the pockets of tax payers.

It’s more fair, right?

But the most important thing, when it comes to price, is that planting trees is not the main thing that we do.

It’s an instrument.

By planting a tree, you allow us to spread this message around the world through advertising on social media—To connect millions of people.

And by putting people together, we have the power to create a better world.

That’s what we do! We are not just tree planters!

Prices cover everything from planning, planting, care, advertising, the work of our team and all of the aspects that are related to running our superheroic squad.

Such as superhero suits, guns, jetpacks, batmobiles… 😀

...I'm just having a little fun!

By planting a tree with Sustainable Squad, you are part of a significant change.

You are supporting spreading this message.

Join us today!

P.S. I suggest you watch our video about Our Mission above in this Q&A section. I explain our plan to save the world more clearly there.

Now, in the 21st Century, we are facing a HUGE climate crisis.

David Attenborough states, “The world is facing it's greatest threat in thousands of years.”

I believe the only way to combat this climate crisis, is to connect people together.

And, let everyone do what they’re best in doing.

But, I am an entrepreneur.

And, I am a man, who is very good in making people excited.

Making them engaged through advertising on social media.

It’s actually the only thing that I am good at.

And, this is my role in helping to solve this serious problem.

That’s why I started Sustainable Squad.

(PSST: and, also because I always dreamt of being a superhero… 😁)

We are a company with huge environmental and social purposes; With a new innovative and cool approach.

Sustainable Squad is not a charity.

Most charities are dependent on money from the government through taxes.

Today, the majority of the countries in the world have brutal debts.

Budget for non-profit is limited.

And, this limited budget is divided among all charities.

If we create a new charity, we will just get a part of the pie. But the pie will still be the same size.

No additional impact.

Don’t get me wrong.

All respect to non-profits, they do amazing work and I appreciate their efforts to help our planet.

This is just not my role.

I can’t do brutal paper work.

I don’t want to struggle with bureaucracy to get grants.

I believe that I can create a maximum impact by running an independent, business-like driven company.

And, to make this concept sustainable; Without grants.

Because we are the Sustainable Squad! 😁

Instead of getting money involuntarily from tax payer’s pockets, we get money as every other business.

By reaching out to people and making them excited.

We see greater fairness in this, because it is up to everyone to decide to be part of it or not.

And there's one more benefit, which is the most important for our mission.

As I said, we don’t take money from the government.

So we have to reach new people to keep going.

This is an advantage to create a HUGE awareness about this problem; And, to address it.

If we engage millions of people, it’s much more impactful than just planting billions of trees.

If you are on the same page, join us today!

Please play the video about Our Mission above in this Q&A section to understand great benefits to engage millions of people.

This message is primarily addressed to haters, but it also includes an explanation for everyone regarding why we don't respond to comments at the end of this video.

Smart people know it, they are just hesitant to say it out loud.

But we are not.

We are superheroes.

The sad truth about haters is that they are just LOSERS.

And this is the most attention we will ever give to them.

Everywhere they go, they bring misery and negativity.

They don’t have their own shit to do, so they waste time by trying to hurt others.

Hate is the easiest thing that can make them feel better; But it’s just to feel.

In the DNA of Sustainable Squad, there is an opposition to talkers and we honor the rule:

“Shut your mouth and do some action.”

No one is perfect.

Especially in the world where there are 8 billions of different opinions.

But, the important idea is to do something meaningful.

So that’s it.

Replying to comments is not our superpower! 😀

We get tons of comments and if we reply to them, it will cost us many hours every day and energy that we put into really good things!—Into great things!

And I dare you to do the same.

Do something great.

Today, we offer you one simple action that will have great impact.

That’s planting a tree and helping us spread our message to other people.

Thank you!

P.S. If you have just a normal question, of course, this message is not affecting you! You can find answers to most of the common questions on this page; answered in detail or you can email us anytime.

Double P.S. Don’t allow anyone to affect you by hating! They’re just losers and they are just envy of you.

If you're brimming with further questions, ideas, or want to join forces with us, we'd be thrilled to hear from you!

Reach out to us at [email protected] - let's unite to fight climate change together.